Awarded Top 10 Most Innovative Health Companies 2023


When to call

If you or someone you know experience unexpected symptoms or is in need of care for urgent, non-life threatening illness or injury, it can be difficult to know who to call.

This service is specifically for times when you are thinking of attending the Emergency Department but feel unsure, and your regular GP is unable to assist, for example after-hours. 

My Emergency Doctor is not a replacement for your GP or the ambulance service. If a patient is suffering a time-critical emergency and/or is unconscious, has chest pain, difficulty breathing, uncontrolled bleeding or has been in a major accident, please dial 000 immediately.

A consultation with My Emergency Doctor may be appropriate if you or the patient experience any of the following conditions for immediate care:

  • Bronchiolitis
  • Flu/Fever/Sore throat
  • Allergic reactions
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhoea and vomiting
  • Sports injuries
  • Fainting
  • Rashes, bites and stings
  • Acute injury
  • Work injuries
  • Headache
  • Back pain
  • Urinary Tract Infections
  • Head Injury/Concussion


How My Emergency Doctor delivers emergency telemedicine

  • Highly skilled help for medical emergencies

    Our doctors are Australian trained, emergency experts

    The doctor you will speak to will always be a senior emergency specialist doctor, who is Fellow of the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (FACEM).

  • On-demand, no appointment required

    Access to an emergency specialist doctor in minutes

    Unlike other telehealth services, the My Emergency Doctor service is available on-demand, with no appointment required.  Placing a call through a web-based video call or via phone is simple. Both will be answered 24/7. 

  • Avoid travelling to a hospital emergency room

    Faster, convenient access to emergency care

    Get medical advice and reassurance from wherever you are via telephone or smart device, so there’s no need to travel  to a hospital  emergency room to access urgent medical care.

  • Maintaining patient confidentiality is an essential part of our service

    Secure and confidential consultations

    My Emergency Doctor adheres to patient privacy and confidentiality laws.  All personally identifiable data is encrypted and patient consults (and records) are confidential.

  • Collaboration with existing healthcare processes

    Seamless clinical management

    We put you, the patient, at the centre of our service: In addition to diagnosing and treating illness and injury, our doctors can provide referrals, arrange patient transport and send consultation summaries to your GP and upload event summaries to My Health Record (upon your request).

  • Partnering with Primary Health Networks around Australia

    Do you belong to a PHN?

    Providing thousands of patients free access to online specialist medical healthcare via partnerships with a growing number of Primary Health Networks (PHN).

    Learn More

Post Codes for people living in eligible Primary Health Network areas

If you live within a geographical catchment area of a Primary Health Network that has an agreement with us, you will be prompted to fill in your post code of the area you reside in when you are connecting with us. 
There is more information below for residents of Eastern and North Eastern Melbourne, South Western Sydney, western Victoria.


Our service is subject to the following prices:

24 hours a day, 7 days a week: $150

*Please note our consultations are unable to be claimed for any rebate through Medicare as our Doctors are FACEMS and specialist consultations require a prior referral to claim.

We partner with Primary Health Networks (PHN) across the country to deliver free after hours consultations (consultations with our service at certain times of the day and week are subsidised by the PHN). People that live in certain PHN catchment areas can access My Emergency Doctor at no cost in the after hours period - check our Patients in Primary Health Network page to see if you are eligible.

We also partner with some senior lifestyle communities to deliver consultations subsidised by the management teams. See below for more information.


Residents of South Western Sydney

Residents of South Western Sydney can access My Emergency Doctor at no cost in the after hours period, thanks to a partnership with South Western Sydney Primary Health Network.

Eligible residents of South Western Sydney will need to type in an eligible postcode when connecting via video call. You will not be required to insert your credit card details or pay as your consultation will be funded by the Australian Government under the PHN After Hours program.  External LinkView the PHN website  for more information on their support of our service or for more information on how to access our service, visit our page specifically for residents of South Western Sydney


Residents of western Victoria

Residents of western Victoria can access My Emergency Doctor at no cost in the after hours period, thanks to a partnership with Western Victoria Primary Health Network.

Eligible residents of western Victoria will need to type in an eligible postcode when connecting via video call. You will not be required to insert your credit card details or pay as your consultation will be funded by the Australian Government under the PHN After Hours program.  External LinkView the PHN website  for more information on their support of our service or for more information on how to access our service, visit our page specifically for residents of western Victoria


Residents of Serenitas Communities

Residents of Serenitas communities can access My Emergency Doctor at no cost thanks to the Serenitas management team.

Residents will need to type their partner code from the community notification letter when promoted for a site code. You will not be required to insert your credit card details.

Do you have a question about My Emergency Doctor?

Take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions page. 

Patients Frequently Asked Questions

Want some help accessing My Emergency Doctor? We have detailed guides available to assist patients

My Emergency Doctor has support resources available for patients to ensure access to the service is easy and patients are comfortable operating in the virtual environment while connecting to My Emergency Doctor.

Go to Patient Support

Contact us

Get in touch to learn more about how My Emergency Doctor can support you. Once you fill the form, one of our team will get in touch with you within 1 business day.

Contact us